My Journey

My journey with clay began over 20 years ago when I was a young Mom of three very busy boys.  I was hooked after just one introductory lesson in a friend's basement on a very old kick-wheel.   I purchased that monstrous pottery wheel from my friend, joined the local Pottery Guild in London, Ontario, took lessons and attended workshops. That old wheel was quite a workhorse! It was constructed of a heavy concrete kick-wheel which someone had motorized by adding a furnace motor and a piece of 2x4 wood as a lever.  Hey, it worked great for me at the time.   After moving to Ayr, Ontario, I began classes at Mohawk College in Brantford, Ontario.  I scaled back my pottery hobby for awhile when I returned to the corporate world.   I've recently left that corporate world and rekindled my love of Pottery.  Here's to the next exciting stage of life.  Cheers!

November 2020